Ivan Tinov

Software Developer with over 2 years of professional work experience in the banking industry developing backend solutions for efficient and reliable transfer of high volume data. Backend development experience in designing microservice-based solutions for streaming or batch based data ingestion between varying database systems (Oracle, Graph Databases).

Professional goal encompasses continuing to design and develop solutions with the latest technological advances in mind for companies which are committed to creating unique information technology systems in an environment which incorporates innovation while focusing on meeting the needs of the business.


Associate, Software Engineer at Bank of America

Charlotte, NC

Lead developer on microservice based solutions that manage data transmission from multiple data sources in the form of data feeds to an in house RDF-based database


Development and maintenance of Scala/Java-based services (Using Akka Streams, Actors, HTTP and other related frameworks - in house and open source). Development and maintenance of Python-based frameworks and scripts to perform data reconciliation to ensure accurate data across all systems. Heavy use of Pandas and NumPy for data analysis, AioHTTP for Rest-API connectivity, CherryPy for services, as well as custom built toolsets to aid in development.


Oracle-SQL and relational database experience through legacy systems. Helped migrate legacy systems that relied on flat-file transmission to real-time service-based solutions. SparQL and RDF triple-store knowledge through an in-house graph database.


Completion and documentation of user stories based on a bi-weekly sprint schedule planned using Jira sprints/epics and following an Agile philosophy. Deployment of projects is managed through XLRelease, deployed via Ansible Tower and Jenkins delivery pipeline. Development in bash as well as monitoring service health and troubleshooting defects through SSH/PowerBroker via Git Bash/SupperPutty.

October 2019 - present

Application Developer IV – Contractor at Bank of America

Charlotte, NC

Application Developer contractor for Bank of America through FDM Group. Software Development experience in Scala, Java, and Python developing services that allow the efficient transfer of data from multiple sources in the form of data feeds.

Agile workflow experience through JIRA epic/story design and management as well as dev-ops experience through XL Release management and Jenkins/Ansible Tower deployment to UNIX-based servers.

October 2019 - October 2021

Java Developer Trainee, FDM Group

New York, NY

Java program that revolved around modules that lasted a week each for 16 weeks.

Modules include:

  • Professional Skills
  • SQL (PL/SQL, nested queries, joins)
  • Unix Programming (functions, parameters, shell scripting, loops)
  • Java Core Fundamentals (OOP, Data Structures Review, JUnit, TDD, UML, log4j, Mockito, Maven, I/O, multithreading)
  • Data Access (using JDBC, JPA)
  • Finance
  • Web-Development
  • Java Web Apps on Tomcat (Servlets and JSP)
  • Spring Framework (Core, AOP, Web MVC)
  • Data Science Custom Track (Apache Kafka, Apache Spark, Pig Latin, R, HiveQL, HDFS and DEDPQ MapReduce)
  • July 2019 - October 2021

    Audio-Visual Technician

    Charles B. Wang Center

    Experienced with setting up lecture halls, classrooms, and theater for various events, as well as managing light and sound systems. I communicate with my clients and ensure that they have the best tools and service to carry out their presentation.

    December 2017 - May 2019

    Manufacturing Engineering Intern

    J.Y. Manufacturing Inc

    Experience in manufacturing design for retail and stage lighting fixtures. CAD design for various parts including light fixtures and electrical boxes. Knowledge of how to operate AMADA HG series press breaks, ENSIS laser, and EM/HG turret punch.

    Summer 2016, Summer 2017, Summer 2018

    Senior Core and E.M.T.

    Ramapo Valley Ambulance Corp.

    Part of an emergency response team where we responded to medical calls and served as the first line of medical care by stabilizing patient conditition while they are taken to the hospital in an ambulance. Awarded 2 CPR save awards, and Lucas Chest Compression System award as part of the two cardiac arrest calls I had where both patients survived.

    March 2014 - August 2016


    Stony Brook University

    Bachelor of Science
    B.S. in Applied Mathematics and Statistics - Programmer Analyst Concentration
    Computer Science
    August 2015 - May 2019


    Web Development Technologies & Tools
    • HTML5,
    • CSS3,
    • JavaScript
    Programming Languages
    • Java,
    • Scala,
    • Python
    • Oracle SQL,
    • Jenkins,
    • Jira,
    • Bitbucket,
    • Git,
    • Ansible
    • Agile Workflow/Development • Aiming to create professional software through innovative design • Team player with strong communication skills
    • Quick learner that is willing to try new technologies and adapt to ever changing technological trends.

    Awards & Projects

    • 2 CPR Save Awards, 2015
    • Lucas Chest Compression System Award, 2015
    • DataViLiJ -
    • Data Visualization tool in Java/JavaFX for interpreting a set of data, performing a random line of best fit, as well as the implementation of random classification, random clustering, and k means clustering algorithms on a data set.
    • Bacterial Growth Analysis -
    • Analysis of Bacterial Growth using Forward-Euler, Lotka Volterra Model, and S.I.R. model implementation in Matlab to study population dynamics of biological systems.
    • Ces-Async-Utils -
    • Asynchronous framework written in Python (asyncio, aiohttp, pandas, tinydb) comprised of various utility functions that help query different endpoints of an internal restful-api for data reconciliation, as well as high throughput publishing of RDF based payloads for potentially millions of records of data.
    • Scala-based Data Ingestion Services -
    • End to end development experience with microservices written in Scala using Akka framework (use of Streams, HTTP and Actors) as well as in-house frameworks to transmit hundreds of thousands of records of data in the form of real-time data-feeds. Including dev-ops knowledge through delivery pipeline configuration with Jenkins/Ansible Tower and release management with XL Release. Deployment on Unix RedHat servers.